
Stage Works

R.Se Company

Seventeen - BoysBe Showcase

Ministry of Culture, Art and Sports South Korea
Exhibition + Workshop Documentation
Doch Alle Eine Insel?
GAK Bremen
09.09 - 05.11.2023
Exhibition: Loretta Fahrenholz, Sonia Gomes, Chris Reinecke, Tarona, Annette Wehrmann
Kunst Hafen Walle
Crust Collective - Transition
Projektraum Sphere (Bremen, DE)

Doch Alle Eine Insel?
GAK Bremen
09.09 - 05.11.2023
Exhibition: Loretta Fahrenholz, Sonia Gomes, Chris Reinecke, Tarona, Annette Wehrmann

Kunst Hafen Walle

Crust Collective - Transition
Projektraum Sphere (Bremen, DE)
Restaurants + Interior Designs
for various magazines and businesses


Thinking AS
Opening Night and Conference Sketch

A Rehearsal to Scuttle A Monument,
Workshop by Aria Farajnezhad with GAK Bremen

Dorsa Eidizadeh
(c) JiyeLee